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very important things takes up my free time
so i may not write so much here, because i have made another blog that i am having a lot more fun with. it's a journal to document my process with my 'very important things' project. i may come here every so often, but my mind is elsewhere.
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No Mans Land
meandering through no mans land
Interviews and Reviews
Review of Sketching by Skylar Browning
Conversation with Alexia Beckerling
Conversation with Neil Corman
Review of No Mans Land by Skylar Browning
Books that adjust my thoughts
Uta Barth: In Between Places
Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own
Eric Renner: Pinhole Photography
Howard Kunster: The Geography of Nowhere
Stewart Brand: How Buildings Learn
Maurice Sendak and Ruth Krauss: A Hole is to Dig
Susan Sontag: On Photography
Julianne Kost: Window Seat
Lyle Rexer: Photography's Antiquarian Avante Garde
Robert Hirsch: Photographic Possibilities
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