Nadav Kander's images cause me to pause...How Amazed I was when I found out I could listen to him lecture...

I had the extraordinary opportunity to listen to Nadav Kander speak while I was attending the Adobe Summit last summer at Santa Fe Workshops. Reid Callanan hosts a number of free lectures throughout his workshop season and Nadav Kander happened to be teaching for Santa Fe while I was there. My mind was whirling throughout his lecture and I found inspiration and intrigue in almost everything he said. I just came across my poorly written notes and thought that I would share a few of the things that he said as he discussed his work and his process. Forgive me, Nadav, if I have misquoted you.
"The viewer is viewing the inner condition of the photographer more than they are viewing the subject."
"I'm far more interested in people's moods and the moods they can invoke in you."
"Most of my landscapes deal with the palmprint/footprint of man."
"The inner condition of man is universal."
"I try to employ atmosphere in my work."
Thank you Nadav for helping me to breathe a little differently..Really great lecture.
If you are intrigued, check out Nadav Kander's website.
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